I've heard it said that people miss how open others were during lockdown about their feelings.
Now that we are all out and about the masquerades begin again for many.
Something I miss about lockdown was wearing a physical mask.
Not for the comfort or pleasure of it but for the mere fact that I didn't automatically click into 'happy Lara' with every passerby catching my eye.
This was my unconscious pattern.
*Must look happy, must make others feel good*
Over the two years of lockdown, my jaw got to relax as I slowly became aware that my smile reflex wasn't seen.
I started to smile only when I wanted to.
I was going through a lot of hard things with my physical and mental health and I could just have a neutral face or a sad one - whatever was true at the time.
No one could see me.
All the pressure was off.
Now that it's masks off outside again here (socially distanced) I need to make the conscious effort to keep in integrity between my inner and outer world.
It's women who are socialised to wear emotional masks of constant pleasantness.
Heaven forbid we have 'resting bitch face' or asked 'Are you okay, what's wrong?' when you're not your usual sparkly self.
What I now think is that it's time to reclaim my face and let it be free to be real.
New thoughts * I can have any facial expression I want, I don't have to make anyone feel anything *
Big love,
Lara xx
Lara Corr, PhD Pronouns She/Her
Set Me Free Coaching
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