The feeling of 'not enough' at work.

Today I'm thinking about the feeling of 'not enough'.

Feeling 'not enough' at work is so so common, just as it is common in life.

After all, a recent executive coaching study of over 1000 CEOs from around the world found that many doubted they were 'enough' for their role.

We all have doubts sometimes, that is normal but when we feel like we are not good enough frequently, we rarely ask ourselves what enough would look like and act like.

How 'good enough' would perform our duties at work.

Is enough about doing your best (which, sorry to say, changes each day)?

Is being enough about doing everything right or perfectly?

Is it about being enough because we are ourselves and things tick along okay?

When we don't know how we measure 'enough' we don't know how to address our sneaky, exhausting thoughts and expectations.

What would be different if you decided, just for a minute, that you were enough?

What would change?

Big love,

Lara xx

P.S. Is it time to examine those sneaky thoughts that are chipping away at your self of worth and clarity at work? Grab a spot to talk with me here:

Lara Corr, PhD Pronouns She/Her
Set Me Free Coaching
Get ready to love your work!

Hi, I'm Dr Lara Corr, a certified life coach and researcher in work and wellbeing. I help women love their work, reach their goals and get free from the work-life stress cycle.

Connect with me via Facebook and Instagram.