If you are a manager AND you have ADHD wiring, here are some areas to lean into and some to watch out for ⬇️
Work-life balance is never going to happen.
Let's stop aiming for 'work-life balance', shall we?! It makes us feel like we have failed at work AND at home because tell me - Who has it 'balanced'?
What we really need is for the amount of time or energy spent in each place to feel 'right' for us. We also need to have minds that can focus on work when we are there and be present in our personal lives away from work.
Let’s talk about how to create clarity and presence so that you can have more work-life harmony.
'Be realistic' is terrible advice for women.
What comes to mind when someone says to you 'Be realistic'?
It's about dampening down your expectations, hopes and dreams.
Bringing you back down to 'earth', as the result you want is deemed unlikely.
BUT the 'earth' for women, the status quo that we have been raised with, although shifting, is still LOW LOW LOW.
Stuck on making a decision about your work-life?
One of the most common reason women come to me is for help making a career decision.
They are spinning in indecision about choices such as:
Staying in or leaving their job.
Increasing or decreasing hours for family reasons.
Changing fields
Doing extra study (Masters, PhD)
If they should go for a new job or promotion
At the root of indecision is being smart enough to think through all the pros and cons!
A new skill you need is to know exactly what YOU want and then to get your mind on board to support and enable you to act.
What do you need today?
Increasing your confidence at work - starting today.
Confidence is trust in yourself.
Do you struggle with a lack of self-confidence at work?
I think we have a strange idea of what confidence is.
Yes, it is about a positive view of ourselves and our capacity but to me, it's more than that.
Confidence is about trusting ourselves to be able to be resourceful and to survive or even thrive under difficult circumstances.
Building confidence can start very simply and powerfully by looking back at all the times you were resourceful and persisted.
Do you need a time-management reset at work?
Now that I'm feeling settled into the year a bit more, I've realised that I'm not using my time nearly as well as I could be.
I'm not saying this from a perfectionistic approach, I'm saying this from a.... whoops, I stopped paying attention and my day disappeared realisation!
You know how it is, you get a little less conscious of organisation or of following through with your plans.
Before you know it, you're losing chunks of time that you could be doing great things with!
If this is you, join me today to begin to reset.
What are your 'Greatest Hits' that bring you down?
Do you find yourself going round and round with the same thoughts that make you mad, sad or anxious?
Here is a fun tool that I learned from Dr Martha Beck - Your Greatest Hits.
Listen in on your mind as it goes down its usual path that takes you from, say, 'I wish that had gone better' all the way to 'I'll never be good enough'.
You might notice that you go through the same 'Greatest Hits' thoughts each time.
The feeling of 'not enough' at work.
Today I'm thinking about the feeling of 'not enough'.
Feeling 'not enough' at work is so so common, just as it is common in life.
After all, a recent executive coaching study of over 1000 CEOs from around the world found that many doubted they were 'enough' for their role.
We all have doubts sometimes, that is normal but when we feel like we are not good enough frequently, we rarely ask ourselves what enough would look like and act like.
Happiness fatigue at work
I've heard it said that people miss how open others were during lockdown about their feelings.
Now that we are all out and about the masquerades begin again for many.
Something I miss about lockdown was wearing a physical mask.
Not for the comfort or pleasure of it but for the mere fact that I didn't automatically click into 'happy Lara' with every passerby catching my eye.