Now that I'm feeling settled into the year a bit more, I've realised that I'm not using my time nearly as well as I could be.
I'm not saying this from a perfectionistic approach, I'm saying this from a.... whoops, I stopped paying attention and my day disappeared realisation!
You know how it is, you get a little less conscious of organisation or of following through with your plans.
Before you know it, you're losing chunks of time that you could be doing great things with!
If this is you, join me today to begin to reset.
Get back to using an organisational method that works for you (I teach calendar based organisation in Smash It!).
Sell yourself on how amazing it feels to get allll the sh$t done + how much more you enjoy life outside of working hours.
Keep bringing your focus back to what is next and do one thing at a time.
It's time to love your work!
Big love,
Lara xx
P.S. Want to be on top of your work-life organisation?
Lara Corr, PhD Pronouns She/Her
Set Me Free Coaching
Get ready to love your work!