If you go through your life and mark out its defining moments, with each significant event, there is a learning.
When I went through this process, I came out with eight principles that have come to be the structure of my internal life and underpin my coaching.
This is what I know for sure. It's what I know is true of us all and it's linked to deep healing, self-care, self-trust and general awesomeness (creativity, leaps of faith, generosity, bravery, joy and peacefulness).
1. You are stronger and more wonderful than you can imagine. You are unconditionally loved, whether you realise it or not.
2. You are the person you dare to dream possible when you are at your clearest and bravest and we need that person in the world.
3. You are not broken and you do not need fixing but you may need some friendly liberating!
4. No knowledge or experiences are wasted. All roads and lessons have brought you to just where you should be.
5. You are the expert in you and can be completely trusted to steer your ship to freedom, joy, peace and success.
6. You are not your history or your worries. You can heal, grow and change.
7. Tomorrow can be much better than today. Love, joy and peace are within you and there always for you to dwell within, no matter what is happening on the surface of your life.
8. When you follow your intuition, your life will rapidly transform and magic will follow.
If you find yourself disagreeing with any of these principles, you could question why that is. Is what you believe true or is it a limiting negative thought? Does it serve you to think it? Could you let it go?
Though-work is life changing work. It's changed my life and is changing those I work with. A total godsend for this former worrier and self-sabateur extraordinaire.
With love,
Lara xx
P.S. I'm going to be running a beautiful four week course in September in Melbourne with the incredible Chafia Brooks, dance therapist and contemporary dancer extraordinaire! It's a combo of life coaching and dance therapy! OMG! It's for those of you that are stressed and/or worriers, living in your heads and not so connected to your body. It will be a chance for deep rest and restoration, movement, learning life-coaching tools and coming home to a peaceful you. Email me at lara@setmefree.coach so we can keep you in the loop.
Hi, I'm Dr Lara Corr, life coach and researcher in work and wellbeing. I coach successful 30 and 40 somethings who want more fulfilling or bigger careers but doubt themselves and their options. I help them get out of their own way, find direction and go for what they really want.