The 'bad' habits that I struggle with now have been in my life for a long time.
When I was growing up and upset, I remember industriously (and sneakily) making my own icing and eating it in my room... you'll never guess what my go to is now when I'm upset, will you?
Turning to sweets when I am upset is a bad habit for me. Sweets, of course, are gorgeous and wonderful in moderation, but not as a way to avoid feeling emotions that are difficult.
There is no point beating myself up about this habit though, in fact, the only time it shifts is when I see it for what it is - an outdated way of looking after myself.
Which brings me to my point -
Your bad habits are all there for a reason and that reason is love.
I firmly believe that our bodies are always desperately trying to look after us but just haven't always integrated the best ways to do that, coming from the wisest part of ourselves.
So my practise with food is shifting and believe me it is an ongoing PRACTICE to retrain my brain.
I go back to my breath.
I listen to what I'm thinking (spoiler alert - it wont be true).
I notice how I am feeling.
I breathe slower and more deeply.
I soothe and love myself.
I check what I really want and need - much to my horror, it is rarely, if ever a sweet!!
What do your "bad" habits cover up?
What do you really need?
Approaching the habits we want to change with empathy, curiosity and compassion is the way to make meaningful and loving changes that we desire.
With much love and tenderness,
Lara xx
P.S. If you need a little more love and tenderness to yourself, there is still a spot at my beautiful urban retreat - Set Me Free Weekend Retreat! Read more about it and sign up here.