You know when you wake up and just want to stay in bed all day?
You might be sick, exhausted, have chronic conditions or be emotionally flat or anxious.
Maybe it's PMS or some family issue.
Whatever the reason, it's normal to have days when you feel blah.
It is part of life's 50/50.
The first thing to do is not to make it mean anything awful.
If your brain is anything like mine, it will go into problem solving mode.
Or maybe you go into panic stations or catastrophising with all sorts of thoughts about how bad this is and what is wrong and how long will it last and how your day is ruined and your work is a disaster and you'll end up homeless.
Let's put the brakes on both approaches for a minute.
It's important to let your body know, with genuine compassion, that it's part of life to feel blah sometimes.
Then to decide to take good care of yourself, trusting you know how.
Get the help you need medically if that is necessary, otherwise, go gently, asking yourself, what would make right now feel better?
Perhaps some tea, music, a hug or petting your cat or dog.
Calling a friend or colleague and letting them know you're feeling blah.
Take turtle steps = small, individual, simple steps forward to get your work done...
OR take a sick or mental health day and choose not to dwell on the fact that you have done so.
You'll know what you need.
Trust yourself.
It's time to love your work!
Big love,
Lara xx
Lara Corr, PhD Pronouns She/Her
Set Me Free Coaching
Get ready to love your work!