If there's one thing I know for sure, it's that physical work environments matter. They influence our mood and energy levels day in and day out, but often get overlooked. You can't necessarily control the whole workspace we are in, but you can control your corner of the world.
If you'd like to feel happier, more focused and energised at work, here are five things you need in your workspace now!
1. Something living and green.
Yep, you need a plant, my friend. Any plant that makes you feel good. It can be tiny or huge - whatever. Just get something that will grow, purify the air a smidgen and be aesthetically pleasing. My hot tips are a terrarium (they are low fuss and fun) or a peace lily (endlessly forgiving and green).
I could throw a whole heap of research at you about this, but just trust me when I say, humans need green and it is good for you.
2. Something that makes you smile.
Add something to your workspace that makes you happier whenever you look at it. It might be a funny cartoon, a photo of a loved one or a poem that makes you smile.
3. Something aesthetically pleasing.
Add something to your workspace, whether a postcard size or a full wall, that pleases you when you look at it. Everyone's idea of good aesthetics is different. For you it might be street art or fine art, it might be a photo of cyclists riding the Tour de France or a beach scape. It could even be a beautiful mug and tea canister or stationery.
Choose something that lights you up when you stare at it. I'm personally on the hunt for something beautiful to go on an empty wall above my computer.
4. Something motivating.
Your inspiration may be subtle (a photo that triggers a thought) or overt - giant posters saying 'You can do it!".
Your motivation may be a particular goal or something to keep you going. I keep a photo of my husband's grandmother near me. She inspires me as a strong female business owner. She owned and ran a pub by herself and I loved her determination, strength and sense of humour.
I also keep a photo of the castle in which we had our wedding reception in, to remind me that life is surprising and wonderful.
5. Clear space
There's no use having all these great things going for your workspace if they are half buried under who knows what. As you make over your workspace, make sure you clear the decks as much as possible. You'll be amazed at how much it clears your mind.
**Bonus points for headphones and a playlist of uplifting or relaxing songs for when you need them!**
If you are limping along in a job you are sick of, these changes should give you a boost! But you may also like a little more help, which happens to be my thing! If you'd like to start exploring just how good your work life could be, learn more and sign up!
With love,
Hi, I'm Dr Lara Corr, life coach and researcher in work and wellbeing. I coach successful 30 and 40 somethings who want more fulfilling or bigger careers but doubt themselves and their options. I help them get out of their own way, find direction and go for what they really want.