We wonder why we have lost our spark, why we are oh so tired, why we end up online all night or in front of the tv. Could part of it be because we have let go of so many things that give us energy, happiness and satisfaction in the process of becoming 'adults'? When we rediscover the lost pursuits of happiness, life starts to sparkle again. It's life changing. What are your lost loves?
This morning, I felt a pull to draw. I decided to draw my hand. I gave myself permission to draw as it came – rough, out of practice, thoroughly imperfect (see the pic below!). I'm just getting back into drawing and art after a looonnnggg hiatus. You know, about 20 years.
You see, I stopped doing art when I was 16. I chose to do the 'academic' subjects instead and scarcely drew again. What was the point? I wouldn't be assessed on it.
When I was 18, I mostly stopped singing and performing after I chose to study science instead of singing at University.
I stopped dancing when I was a teenager when I realised I didn't want to (or was too afraid to) do the work to compete nationally.
My crappy hand :) I really enjoyed doing this!
I look at how quickly I dropped doing the things I loved and how much fear was involved in those decisions and I have a twinge of sadness.
Some us of give up a lot to be efficient, productive, dedicated adults. I hear it in almost every coaching session – the fun, passion and creativity of these activities is overlooked and set aside in order to build careers and raise families.
We drop the things that give us life as they aren't seen as essential, productive or efficient. They use time or no clear outcome and are not often a part of earning us an income!
The thing that I know for sure is that LIFE is not about being productive and efficient. That is just what we have been brainwashed to believe is important as good little workers for the market.
LIFE is about experiences, about creating and resting, playing and connecting.
It is about reflecting and growing, about running and smelling fresh air. It is about starry skies and the pleasure of good food.
The crazy thing is that the more we 'fill up our cups' with these loves, the better we are at everything – partnering, parenting, friending (not a word?) and, yes, working.
So what are your lost loves? Can you bring them home to your heart and make it glow so more?
Connecting with friends and family.
Reading for pleasure.
Walks in nature.
Fresh air.
Long weekends.
Cooking for pleasure.
Give yourself the gift of life today, even for a minute and feel the difference.
The journey back to ourselves is challenging, beautiful and worth every second.
All my love,
Lara xx
P.S. <<<Early bird offers ending 1st September! Don't miss out!>>
Let's bring more of what you love back to your life without fear sabotaging our desires. Get free to live your ideal life through my workshops in Melbourne and Canberra.
Check out my very special short-course with Chafia Brooks – Revive: Mind and Body – (Three Sundays from 1-3pm, book now and get a free session with either me or Chafia!!) and my power workshop in Canberra 'Unblocked' on the 15th October, also 1-3pm (early bird price $99).
Hi, I'm Dr Lara Corr, life coach and researcher in work and wellbeing. I coach successful 30 and 40 somethings who want more fulfilling or bigger careers but doubt themselves and their options. I help them get out of their own way, find direction and go for what they really want.