Have you heard of the River of Misery?
I don't know who coined the phrase, but I learned it from Stacey Boehman and I take it to mean time when you are really upset, *stuck*, feeling all the feelings and thinking all the thoughts.
We all know that place because we've all been there!
We believe every mean thought our inner critic churns out and can't see how to work with our challenges and get out.
It is painful.
One of the most joyous parts of my work is seeing my beautiful clients learn to:
1) realise they are in the river of misery and can get out
2) hop out of the river, all shiny and relieved during Smash It! coaching time
3) make their way out of the river solo
Each of these things makes me celebrate them so much!!! They aren't being fooled by the usual sh*t that their brains are spinning.
They don't stay stuck.
They don't stay in the suffering.
Their self-concept isn't injured, it's strengthened.
They make decisions, solve problems and process feelings.
They are empowered to manage their experience here on Earth.
This is just one way your work-life is totally overhauled when you learn to work with your brain effectively and with compassion.
So do be extra gentle with yourself when you are next in the River of Misery AND let yourself know that you don't have to stay in it.
Working together in Smash It! you'd have live coaching available twice a week in our beautiful group and can contact me for coaching via our Facebook community 24/7.
There's a special offer til 30th October - if you join Smash It! and pay in full, you'll get 3 free private sessions with me (1 hour each). What a way to kick things off and end 2021!
Book a consult here: https://setmefree.as.me/consult
Take up the special offer here: https://smashit.mykajabi.com/offers/kaGBw4fz
Big big love,
Lara xx
Lara Corr, PhD Pronouns She/Her
Set Me Free Coaching
Get ready to love your work!