If you're reading this post I'm going to take a few wild guesses.
Your day needs some fun.
Your day needs some meaning.
You're also a bit over your job or it needs a bit of a revival.
So let's get to it with some tweaking and some good old fashioned do good'n to help turn things around asap.
Today's post is the second in a series of tips for people who are in careers, roles, or businesses that have past their 'best before date' but who are staying (for now). Last week's post was on the three things you need to get from your job before you leave.
Now back to today's topic! First things first...
Let's be clear. A good day doesn't just make itself. If your work day is crapola, you need to get tweaking.
Here are some tried and true ways to improve your work day.
* Organise your day according to your energy ebbs and flows (e.g. best thinking time in the morning, meetings for afternoons).
* Add in fun, wherever possible. Lunches with friends, looking at trees, drawing, cat videos, anything that floats your boat.
* Add in some kind of movement - dancing, walking, running, cycling, yoga, stretching, martial arts - whatever!
* Check your thinking - is it making you feel the way you want to? Does it help to think 'this job sucks, this is so boring' or does it feel better to say '...this job gives me the money I need while I work out what I really want to do with my life". Thoughts matter, people!!
If these appeal to you, test them out! Try to bring in one new thing a month. Yep, slow integration is likely to work better and be more sustainable than trying to change everything in a day.
It's called tweaking for a reason ;)
Now to the do-gooding: the win-win work of making your world a little brighter, fairer and more fulfilling.
You may have noticed that the world is being shaken up right now and assumptions about progress are being seriously questioned.
So why not use the time left in your role to become an advocate for something good in your organisation?
I'm talking anything good.
Lord knows everyone needs a boost and to feel more empowered to do good in the world!
Raise money for a charity by doing something fun (if nothing else, afternoon teas and sausage sizzles (for Australians reading) are always popular!).
Raise awareness of the importance of workplaces being free from discrimination based on race, gender, sexual identity or orientation, or disability. Choose something you feel drawn to changing.
Drop it into conversation and planning when you can.
Put up a flyer on your notice board.
People are heavily influenced by their peers, so any sexist or racist comment you shut down will make an impact.
Any efforts you make will make an impact.
By advocating for what you are drawn to you will find so much more fulfilment and meaning in your day.
You will live the phrase 'be the change you want to see in the world'
Following these two themes - tweaking and do gooding to help you go from surviving to thriving in your current role... til you move on.
There is so much more to say about making the most of your current role before you move on!
Stay tuned next week for Part Three in the Career Transition Series!
Be sure to share this post with your friends in the same boat and sign up to my newsletter and training below to get the whole series in your inbox.
If you are limping along in a job you are sick of, these changes should give you a boost! But you may also like a little more help, which just happens to be my thing! If you'd like to start exploring just how good your work life could be, learn more and sign up!
Here's to loving your work!
x Lara
Hi, I'm Dr Lara Corr, life coach and researcher in work and wellbeing. I coach successful 30 and 40 somethings who want more fulfilling or bigger careers but doubt themselves and their options. I help them get out of their own way, find direction and go for what they really want.