Bring spring into your life

I'm particularly excited about spring this year.

The flowers.

The sunshine.

The decluttering, cleaning and beautifying of surrounds!


Let's use spring as a metaphor in our lives to work out where it's time to bloom, pare back or flourish. 

Apply these questions to any area of your life that needs some attention (the answers might surprise you!):

Q. Where are you holding back?

Q. Where do you need to declutter?

Q. Where do you need more beauty and colour?

Q. Where is overgrown and needs paring back?

Take one action step to bring spring into your life in response to the answers that come up for you. 

It's time!

If you'd like help to revamp your working life, pop your details in below and we can have a complementary hour session to get going!

Much love,
Lara xx


P.S. Did you see that I've made a free video series to help you make your next career move with confidence? Five Steps to Career Clarity will come straight to your email, complete with new tools and insights for you. Just sign up in the form below - you can also click below to see yours truly introducing the series!

Hi, I'm Dr Lara Corr, a researcher, life coach and expert in thriving at work. I support professionals to discover and live with conscious ambition through private coaching, group workshops and gorgeous retreats. 

I'd love to keep in touch - let's connect on my Facebook and Instagram pages.