100,000 hours of work...

You will spend about 100,000 hours of your life working*. 

100,000 hours. 

Would you rather those hours be energising, engaging and fulfilling or that you spend your life wishing them away til 5.30pm or Friday night?

Let's make them count!

It's time to love your work.

xx Lara

P.S. Join Smash It! today - a new three month payment plan is available. Check it out and enrol here and join the brilliant women that have already signed up! **BONUS for enrolments this week is a Five Minute Journal - you will be obsessed with how this improves your life and focus!***

Big love,

Lara xx
*Cassells R (2017), ‘happy workers: How satisfied are Australians at work?’ Curtin Business School, Curtin University.