How to thrive in competitive work environments.

I will never forget the day when I realised that working as a researcher in a university was essentially like being a solopreneur - you need to find your own research income to fund anything you want to do.

I had not signed up for this.

I was from a long line of salaried employees, thank you very much.

I did not want my job security resting on the outcome of hyper-competitive grant submissions.

I did not want to be in competition all. the. time.

But I was and, since I am still in part-time research, I still am in the competition.

I'm also a work/life coach in a world where there is 'one life coach born every minute'.

So you could say that I am straddling to hyper-competitive careers.


That's not how I roll (it was, which led me to spectacular burnout). 

Being in a state of constant competition means that you are probably running on adrenaline a lot.

Your stress levels are up because in some ways, you're always in fear of losing the race or not being one of the best. 

If you're in a competitive work environment and it is draining or stressing you this post will help you get your bounce back and thrive at a higher level. Here are three steps you can take today!

Step 1: Learn what you can about 'the competition' and then forget about them.

Yep, study them long enough to be inspired, to course correct, to see what you admire or can't stand.

Use it as fuel for growth.

Make your goals and map out the turtle steps... then forget about them. Constant comparison is a waste of time and creates warped thinking, fear and drains your focus and creativity. 

While you're at it, stay in your own business and DON'T waste your precious time getting into regular 'pissing contests' (as we call them in Australia!). 

Step 2: Don't mistake competition outcomes for your worth

No matter if the competition is landing you at the top of the heap, the middle or the bottom, it is CRITICAL that you don't equate the outcome with your true worth. You are not your job or your bonus, you are not that grant that you won or weren't awarded. 

When you don't mistake your worth for how you're competing you can keep an even head and heart. You don't live in fear all the time and can see outcomes for what they are, not a statement of your worth as a person. 

Step 3. Don't give up.

If you are where you feel like you are meant to be, don't give up when things don't go your way.  Draw on your bigger purpose, console yourself, take excellent care of yourself and then carry on. 

There is so much more to say about this! If you would like private support to help you thrive in a competitive work environment (or to transition out of one), I can help you feel 100% better at work and start the new year in fine form!

Pop your details in below and we can have a complementary hour session to get going!

Much love,
Lara xx


P.S. Did you see that I've made a free video series to help you make your next career move with confidence? Five Steps to Career Clarity will come straight to your email, complete with new tools and insights for you. Just sign up in the form below - you can also click below to see yours truly introducing the series!

Hi, I'm Dr Lara Corr, a researcher, life coach and expert in thriving at work. I support professionals to discover and live with conscious ambition through private coaching, group workshops and gorgeous retreats. 

I'd love to keep in touch - let's connect on my Facebook and Instagram pages.