Let's stop aiming for 'work-life balance', shall we?!
It makes us feel like we have failed at work AND at home because tell me - Who has it 'balanced'?
What we really need is for the amount of time or energy spent in each place to feel 'right' for us.
You can work that out by tuning into your body. That right feeling comes up as peace, contentment or ease.
For some of you work-life contentment looks like full time work, for some 4 long days or 3 short days or 2 half days.
It is completely unique to you and your situation.
We also need to have minds that can focus on work when we are there and be present in our personal lives away from work.
This means leaving work at work and home at home.
This skill comes from knowing how to manage your thoughts and emotions.
It looks like not imagining worse case scenarios when we are away from work or away from home.
It means noticing our inner critics and how they try to help us by worrying or beating us up and telling them: "It's okay, we've got this".
It means not worrying about the fact you never mastered Japanese or didn't learn to play the piano but instead acting on the things you REALLY want, that fill up your cup.
If you want to feel great about your work-life, you just need to get intentional about it.
You can feel so much better and is so much easier than your brain is telling you with the right help.
Commit to you and a more peaceful, fulfilling work-life.
Love and courage,
P.S. Want more clarity and contentment in your work-life? Book a free consult with me here! https://setmefree.as.me/consult
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