Why is it so hard to believe good things about yourself?

In all likelihood, there is evidence all around you that you are great! That you are good at your work, a good friend and lovely person in general.

BUT these thoughts don't feel true to you.

It might be that you feel like you can always do more, so you think you aren't good enough.

Maybe you think that if you believe the evidence that you're actually doing just fine that you'll drop your standards and things will go pear shaped for you.

It can have a lot to do with how we are socialised as women and also how you were brought up the messages you got.

It's also the normal wiring of our brains.

We remember easily what we have done wrong or where we fell short - either short of basic or our super high standards.

You have to actually celebrate/concentrate on when good things happen so that they 'stick' in your mind.

So instead of collecting evidence about all your minor weaknesses or failings, how about you make a clear decision to focus on what you are doing right?

Notice what works well, the things you can do, the ways you are valuable and wonderful.

It's safe to collect evidence that you are enough, that you are wonderful.

It wont make you worse at anything, it wont make you lazy or arrogant.

It will just make you happier, more relaxed and able to use the more sophisticated part of your brain more often!

It's all wins!

Big big love,

Lara xx

Lara Corr, PhD Pronouns She/Her
Set Me Free Coaching
Get ready to love your work!

Hi, I'm Dr Lara Corr, a certified life coach and researcher in work and wellbeing. I help women love their work, reach their goals and get free from the work-life stress cycle.

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