You might know what you'd love to do or maybe you're already doing it... but do you feel worthy of your dream job?
It's not enough just to see a few #ladyboss posts on instagram or read some inspirational autobiography.
Feeling worthy a.k.a. feeling good enough is a combination of a few things.
You can build feeling worthy by doing these two things.
Collecting evidence for all the reasons you can do the job well from any or all parts of your life.
Everything you do, you could choose to see how it could benefit how you'd work in your dream job.
Chatting to friends - 'Ha, look at how well I can nourish long term relationships - this will/is so useful in my dream job'.
Organising family schedules 'Ooh look at me, working with so many stakeholders and being such a brilliant project manager'.
Those are some non-work examples and you can look at literally everything you do at work and use it as a chance to build belief in your worthiness.
Remember that 'worthiness' is a thought not a fact.
There is no objective measure of worthiness.
No one person could be considered by everyone to be worthy of a position.
Think about politicians and CEOs.
There is no consensus on worthiness.
Feeling worthy of your dream job is primarily about the thoughts you think about yourself.
We might say 'I don't feel worthy' but worthiness is not a feeling.
I don't feel worthy is actually a thought masquerading as a feeling.
So notice your thoughts and ask if they are serving you, that is, are they getting you the outcome you want?
If they aren't, how about choosing thoughts that are more useful such as 'I could do my dream job, I don't need to be perfect at it - perfection doesn't exist'
or 'I know that I can find a way to solve any problems that come up on the way to getting my dream job AND when I'm in the job.
Choose to uplift yourself because that is the path to feeling good and acting in ways that serve you (they flow from each other).
You are worthy because you exist (this is my useful thought).
As Brene Brown says, there's no need to 'hustle for worthiness'.
Collect evidence, support yourself in your thoughts and go get em, tiger!
Big love,
Lara xx
Lara Corr, PhD Pronouns She/Her
Set Me Free Coaching
Get ready to love your work!