Finish your work on a high for 2018!

End the working year on a high! It will set you up for an amazing holiday and connected time with people, surrounds, fur babies and things that you love!

1. Pick something that would be satisfying and important to complete.

Work on it a bit (or a lot, depending on your schedule) everyday - planning for it to be complete before you finish for break.

2. Eat regularly and eat away from your desk/workspace each day and give your mind, body and soul a daily treat!

3. Encourage yourself each day. Be your own best cheerleader to finishing things off, for persisting and for done is better than perfect.

It's time to love your work!

Big love,
Lara xx 

P.S. You might have already heard how AMAZING Smash It! was - the only online course to transform your work life in just a few months. It's opening next year. If you'd like to be on the 'first to hear' list and get early bird specials - get notified here.