Dreading going back to work? Read this.

Dreading going back to work? Read this.

Dreading going back to work? Does it feel like your chest gets tight and heavy when you think about it?

The bad news is that the expiry date on your job might have been reached.

The good news is, it's time to start plotting towards a career or business you actually want to do!

You may be able to tell by my tone, that I really do think this is great news.

Let's get you started! 

Why you need never worry about failure again.

Why you need never worry about failure again.

Have you ever thought of an idea, a new career or adventure, even a totally different outfit, something that you'd love? You're excited for a minute or a day but promptly drop the idea?

"I could never pull that off", "I wont be good enough"... basically, "What if I fail?".

If these are questions you're asking yourself, then you're still believing that two critical things about failure that are getting in your way (Spoiler alert: Neither are true, really!). 

Whether your just dipping your toe into action or a seasoned adventurer, follow these tips and you'll never be stopped by fear of failure again!

"It's too late to change careers" and other lies we tell ourselves.

"It's too late to change careers" and other lies we tell ourselves.

Let me guess, you'd love to do something different with your work, whether it's a side-step or a total change... but you are stopped by these types of thoughts: 

"It's too late to change your career. You're on this path. You need to stick with it. You have no other *real* choice".

But is that true? Really?

If there's one thing I know for sure, it's that we all make up stories and treat them as facts. Some stories are helpful and others keep us stuck doing the same old thing, no matter how much we want a different experience. 

It's time for that to change.

One story that I hear over and over is that someone can't go after the career or business that they really want because it's too late. They've invested so much in what they've done so far and don't want to have 'wasted' their working lives. 

I definitely believed this story. 

I had devoted SO much time, energy and study into being a researcher. I genuinely thought it would be impossible to have another career. 

Why you should keep your day job (while you go for the business your dreams).

It seems like everyone I talk to lately wants to start a business. There are so many opportunities these days and when we see others fulfilling their dreams a part of us perks up and says "ooh, me too!". That is a good thing – so good! The next thought is often quitting your job, but there are a few good reasons not to hand in your resignation letter just yet...


Drop it like it's hot

We all hear the stories about people who "just knew" what their business would be and then proceeded to quit their job with $35 in the bank and build incredible business empires. This is such an appealing story! It's a hero's journey with a successful outcome. It is all guts and glory. It is also part of the reason why so many businesses fail in their first year. 

Don't get me wrong, jumping into things head first is totally my jam. I'm a quick start on the Kolbe index. But jumping in AND leaving your parachute behind (in the form of your day job), is not the smartest move for a few reasons.

Firstly, it creates too much pressure.

When we are highly pressured financially, all our decisions come from that place. It makes you reek of desperation trying to get business. It also makes you more stressed, less creative and less likely to take the calculated risks you need to make (over and over) to have a thriving business. 

So how about working a steady job but compromising to ease the pressure a bit. There are many ways to configure your working week: work on the weekend for a while, keep your day job but cut down your hours or get a part-time job instead. 

Keeping another income stream gives you the peace of mind and finances to really build the business that YOU want. It means you can try and fail over and over (also known as collecting vital business information). It may seem slower, but it has a much higher chance of succeeding and you get wiggle room that will allow you more time, creativity and risk taking overall. 

Secondly, it keeps some kind of structure to your day. 

When you quit your job straight away you have lots of time to work on your business. This is great in many ways but it can give you a little too much time. Time for self-sabotaging thoughts to take over (get a free guide here). Time to get lonely. Time to spend down rabbit holes online. 

It can be a blessing in disguise to have a limited time to work on your business at the start. Concentrated time working on it, surrounded by other blocks of time to think and doing other things, including your day job, can work really well. 

Thirdly, a steady job provides social contact.

As I said, quitting your job and working on a business solo can get lonely. Whether it's talking rubbish about the Bachelorette or celebrating the latest life event it's great to have colleagues around. While you build your new community, it's great to appreciate and enjoy your work community. 

There's one thing that people worry about when they decide to keep a day job while building their business. That it will somehow doom your business ("I didn't 100% commit!"), signal you didn't really want it or that you will lose motivation. 

The key is to know where you are invested, deep down.

Keeping your day job for a while doesn't mean that you have to invest your heart and soul in that job.

You can commit to your business, while still doing what you know well for a portion of your week. If you're running a business that is soul or passion driven, it's unlikely you'll lose motivation. It will have a drive of it's own. Knowing your 'why' is the foundation of it all.

Why are you running this business? 

It is uncomfortable for a while, straddling two worlds, but it will be worth it. You will know when to make the big leap. Trust that.

By the way, if you're not quite sure what business you want to start or job you want to move into, this is one of my favourite ways to help my clients.

I want to hear from you!

Are you planning a new business?

What questions do you have that are holding you back?

What expert do you currently turn to for an outside perspective? Or do you need someone?

Fill me in below, and let’s see if we can get you on track so you can move through the discomfort and take action!

xx Lara

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Hi, I'm Dr Lara Corr, life coach and researcher in work and wellbeing. I coach successful 30 and 40 somethings who want more fulfilling or bigger careers but doubt themselves and their options. I help them get out of their own way, find direction and go for what they really want.

Connect with me via Facebook and Instagram.

Listening to ourselves is scary but the alternative is terrifying

Listening to ourselves is scary but the alternative is terrifying

I am an absolute whirl of emotion right now. Ever since I really started listening to myself, that inner voice and the way my body reacts to things, and responded to it, I've been asked to make tiny and huge changes. Big changes still stop me in my tracks and take time to process but they are always worth it. What small, medium or huge things are calling your name? Are you choosing freedom or fear?

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Busy? What you must include in your day to stay healthy and happy.

It seems like everyone we meet is 'busy'. We feel like there aren't enough hours in the day and like our to-do lists are never-ending. So what do we do when time is limited? Based on the research I conducted at the Australian National University, I can guess what you do... you drop anything you consider 'optional'. The thing is, what we drop, is often what we need the most to have us be healthy, happy and to get sh*t done.