What I learned from major burn out.

What I learned from major burn out.

Almost four years ago I was bedridden for just shy of a month (and weak/unwell for sometime after it). I didn't know what was wrong with me, when or if it would stop. It was terrifying. I couldn't work, care for my daughter or really do anything except sleep and lie in bed. So how did this come about?

Well the short version is that I burned out.

My body had had enough of working hard, pushing myself like crazy, parenting, finishing a PhD and all.the.things.

I had ignored it, almost completely and just kept going.

I was sure that there were no other options and no other way to do it.

That brings me to lesson #1.

Thriving in your job while you're waiting to leave.

I have a steady stream of clients that cannot wait to leave their jobs.

They are done!

They've grown out of the job or their work culture is toxic.

They might crave a new challenge and a bigger impact.

But... they need to stay a little longer in their role.

It could be financial or simply in making a great exit plan to a job they will thrive in (often both!).

What I want for them and YOU is to have as much energy and confidence as possible for the next work adventure, so here are 4 things to do now.

4 ways to make work more peaceful.

4 ways to make work more peaceful.

It's no joke that work is getting more intense these days (there's research to prove it), so given what's happening in our workplaces, what can we do to protect our wellbeing, to find peace in our hectic work days?

This post is about dispelling the major myth around feeling peaceful at work AND giving you a range of ways to find peace in your day. I encourage you to pick the ones that feel good to you and give them a whirl.